When you install AlmaLinux, you have two options when it comes to networking – use DHCP or set a static IP. In some cases, you may decide that you want to change from a DHCP to static IP. There are a few ways to do this, and I’ll show you the two I use the most.
Option 1: Modify Interface Configuration File
To find your interface name, run the command ip a
which will show you your interface IPs.
Now, run the following command as root:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens18
Looking at the config, you can see BOOTPROTO is set to dhcp.
Change this line to “none”. Now we just need to add our IP details.
Prefix is our subnet mask represented in bits.
Save the config and restart the network.
nmcli connection down ens18 && nmcli connection up ens18
Option 2: Using nmtui
Run the following command as root:
Select Edit a connection.
Select the connection.
Modify the connection details.
Once you’ve modified the connection, restart it.
nmcli connection down ens18 && nmcli connection up ens18